mardi 26 juin 2018

Cestrum newellii

Le cestrum apprécie les terres bien drainées, profondes et fertiles, et il redoute avant tout le calcaire. Arbuste pouvant atteindre une hauteur de m, au feuillage semi-persistant, vert foncé, à la floraison rouge pourprée, de mai à octobre, suivie de baies rouges. Très beau feuillage velouté vert foncé. Belle remontée en automne. Le cestrum offre de belles inflorescences en ombelle ou en panicule et se distingue par son parfum très agréable.

C’est une excellente plante de véranda, car elle a besoin de chaleur en été et d’une certaine fraîcheur l’hiver, ainsi que de beaucoup de lumière.

Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay! Cestrum fasciculatum var. Arbrisseau à feuillage persistant vert foncé. Beloved by hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies, this lush Central and South American member of the Potato family has a colorful allure nearly all year round.

The plants will survive temperatures in the mid teens, but will have a significant amount of damage if they go through temperatures below 20. Floraison : Magnif. Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität.

It is naturally an arching to upright shrub-like perennial that remains evergreen in the warmer portions of its cold hardiness range but well-established plants may act like die-back perennials in.

Evergreen - narrowly oval, dark-green leaves to 10cm (4in) long. Exhibits dark green, evergreen foliage. A tender perennial.

Plant in a sheltered sunny position with moist, rich, well-drained soil. Jessamine is great for butterfly or hummingbird gardens. Deadhead regularly to encourage continuous bloom.

In the spring, Plants are often smaller than plants shipped in the fall. Plants designated with a sku ending in - or -will arrive in a standard inch or 2. Products growing in these cells are easy to. Prix : € Prix Qté : € 1En culture.

General Description. The tubular flowers continue in abundance throughout most of. A inradacinat repede si in cateva luni a inflorit. Au o culoare rosie catifelata la exterior. Interiorul este colorat in rosu -portocaliu.

Se deschid pe ran pana se formeaza un ciorchine. Daca are conditii prielnice, acest cestrum , infloreste de mai multe ori pe an.

Make sure to plant the fragrant cestrums in a location where you can enjoy their night-time perfume as it wafts through the summer air. On the US West Coast it is evergreen, somewhat rangy and almost ever-blooming. Fairly drought tolerant but flowers better with some summer water. Red cestrum Botanical Name. Chile and Peru What does it look like?

Solanaceae (nightshade) Also known as. Smelly shrub (2-m) with erect stems that are densely covered with purplish hairs when young and become woody as plant.

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